Quiet flows the darkness...
And then it was dark. Sometimes, the dark of darkness helps see things better. But those are different things. Things for which you don't need to see outside. Just inside. And there, my friend, is all the darkness. So, let there be light! Now who said that first?
And you thought that the sky was blue? Or that the grass was green? Or that violets were bule? Hmmm. I say, the sky can be purple too. And why not? A color by any other name, looks just the same. That is, as long as the picture you see is a B&W one. A black and white. Thats it. End of story.
So there was this nice big tree which bore a lot of candies! And mint too. But one day someone came along and ate all the candies. Did not leave the mint either. And then the nice tree looked like this. Dont ask me why. They say that trees can talk. Can they?